Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Long Anticipated Jumperoo Footage

Geagen with Woolamina at 6 months

Geagen has her mouth open ready to eat her fingers- so not surprising

Geagen likes her ball from Great Aunt Barbara and Great Uncle Paul

Geagen is clearly deep in thought

I'm not entirely sure why this is sideways but it took 10 minutes to upload so it's staying.

I have finally taken some new pictures of Miss Geagen Grace and am amazed at how much she has grown and changed in the last 6 months. I took her for her 6 month check-up today and she weighs 18 lbs. 6 ounces and is 27 1/4" long. She's in the 90% for height and weight. She's a healthy girl with an even healthier appetite. Her favorite food of the moment is pureed pears but could be replaced at any time by another fruit or vegetable.

She is just starting to sit up by herself and is even playing with toys while sitting. This a very good thing. Maybe I can leave the room for a minute or two to do laundry or dishes and not have her scream. I figure as long as she's looking at the floor I can't some stuff done around the house. She also really likes her jumperoo and does a funny little dance when she jumps- it's really quite cute- even if it is sideways.

Monday, January 12, 2009

We're Still Here

I just realized it has been 11 days since my last post and some of my gentle readers (you know who you are) are getting a little antsy. The new year has been interesting so far. Okay- not really but it sounds better than what's really been going on around here. Jon was home for Christmas break for 2 1/2 weeks and it just seems like we didn't get a whole lot done- which is not necessarily a bad thing it just makes things complicated when it's time to go back into a normal routine. In addition to to settling back into our old schedule I have been busily trying to implement our New Year's Resolutions as a family as well as my own personal resolutions. So far things have been going really with the possible exception of starting my housecleaning schedule to make my life run more smoothly. Stuff just comes up- today the van battery was giving me fits by not starting so I was waiting around for a tow truck and consequently unable to take Geagen to her 6 month check-up (For the record she was devastated. I will be taking her sometime this week so there is still time to guess her weight.). And for some odd reason if things aren't done that would in theory violate my new housecleaning schedule (for example: the basket of ironing that seems to be mocking me as I type) they seem to make it impossible to begin the new routine because I would be ironing on Tuesday instead of Friday which is the appointed day to slave over a hot ironing board. Don't even bother asking- it's just one of the joys of OCD. I've embraced it.

So long story short- I haven't taken any pictures of Geagen for the past 2 weeks or so. I'll get around to it on Picture Day once I assign a day of the week for that and the stars align. I haven't forgotten about the blog or anything like that so please don't despair. I promise to document Geagen's new achievement of sitting up all by herself. It's really quite cute. And if I can figure out how to download video I will post video of Geagen in her jumperoo and the little jumping dance she does. It's really cute.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

The happy in Alturas at Thanksgiving- note the goats in the background- it just fits somehow

This is as close as we got a family picture since Geagen's blessing 5 months ago

A new year has dawned and we are still exhausted from the hustle and bustle of 2008. It's hard to believe Miss Geagen Grace is almost 6 months old. December was especially busy with Jon's knee surgery in addition to all of the holiday festivities. We didn't get around to Christmas cards this year- not only did we not have any spare time but we just couldn't fit in it this year's Christmas budget. We knew what Dave would say and we knew that it was good advice to save the money. Besides, we have the blog this year. Next year we hope to not only have a Christmas card with a photo in it but a newsletter so we can torture you all with the minutiae of our thrilling life under a rock in East Podunk.