Sunday, February 8, 2009

We're Back!

Geagen and her daddy

Geagen in her polar bear outfit- quit possibly my most favorite outfit ever

Geagen tries to find her happy place unsuccessfully

Geagen wears her serious face with her new dolly from Iler & Wilma

It has been a crazy month or so since I last blogged. The sad part is that while we have been super busy we haven't really done much. Jon has been in and out keeping himself busy at the middle school in addition to travelling a great deal on school business. We have also been refinancing our house and it seems like I have been making phone calls left and right to get everything straight with the lender and title company- in between the meltdowns of course. It's sad when one of the highlights of your week is getting baby food on sale at Albertson's. Not only was it 10 for $4 but I saved a grand total of $49.52 on all of my groceries for the month. The funny part about our life these days is that we are so busy with appointments and other commitments that I was going to call and invite some friends over for dinner the other day until I looked on the calendar and realized that there only 4 nights in February that we didn't have anything going on so the entertaining will be put on hold until March when things settle down.
Geagen has had a rough month and I hope and pray that this phase will pass soon. Separation anxiety has set in and there seems to be no way to avoid the all the tears. I'm actually kind of torn with all of this drama- part of me desperately wants to get away for just a minute (that's really all I want) to go and do dishes, laundry or just be by myself. Poor Geagen gets so upset and I feel bad that she thinks I'm leaving forever so now I just keep her where she can see me. She's so broken up about all of this that she has lost the will to jump in her jumperoo unless someone is right next to her. Jon and Robin have been especially wonderful during this phase- it's not uncommon to pass her off to one of them after a long day for a short break. The other drama with Geagen is that she still sleeps completely swaddled which is fantastic because she's all snug and secure and sleeps for 12 hours straight (most nights) but she won't sleep without being swaddled so we are trying to figure out how to gradually wean her off her swaddling blanket. The only problem with this plan is that Geagen has a cold and has become even more clingy and she doesn't feel good and is just miserable which means any sort of change is bad and therefore must be put on hold until the sniffles are gone.