Sunday, April 5, 2009

Grandma Ann'sVisit

Grandma and Geagen snuggle on the couch

Grandma Ann feeds Geagen lunch

Grandma Ann brushes Geagen's hair

Grandma Ann plays on the floor with Geagen

So I'm finally bloggin about my mom's visit in February. Yes-I'm aware that it is April now. In fact I just looked at my pictures and realized I only took 1 picture of Geagen in March. Sad I know but life has been busy around here. Even though we are super busy these days our lives are tragically boring. Geagen is desparately trying to crawl and hasn't quite gotten the hang of it yet. She keeps getting her legs stuck under here and then she freaks out. She can get around but it's mostly a mixture of the army crawl and scooting on her butt. It's funny to watch but it gets her a few places- thankfully not any long distances. She is also learing how to feed herself which makes things interesting. She loves Cheerios (just like her Mommy and Grandpa Dick- it's in her blood) and picking things up from her high chair tray. Jon has been busy helping fence our pasture in order to put a cow in it. Soon we will have a Black Angus heifer living in it and hopefully a calf in the spring if all goes according to plan. Jon has also been planning and planting our vegetable garden as well. I promise pictures when there are more exciting things to look at. During spring break Jon and I were able to get away for a night in Boise sans baby. We went to the Anniversary Inn which is a bed and breakfast with themed rooms. We chose the "Sultan's Palace" that had life-size elephants coming through the walls. Other than that, Geagen and I are looking forward to our upcoming visit to California in a few weeks and I'm sure Jon is looking forward to the peace and quiet.
Back to Grandma Ann's visit. It was fun to visit with her and for her to get to know Geagen better. They hadn't seen each other since Thanksgiving and Geagen wasn't a whole lot of fun back then. She was kind of a lump- but a cute lump nonetheless. Geagen showed her all of her tricks- eating solid foods, rolling over, sitting up, etc. and Grandma Ann was thrilled. We also did some shopping because Geagen didn't have enough clothes (okay we just needed an excuse to go to Target and they have super cute baby clothes) and some super cute summer clothes that I can't wait for her to wear. Since Jon was gone for most of that week it was just nice to relax and not have to worry about anything boring like ironing or making lunches. We're glad Grandma Ann was able to come and are looking forward to her visit when she comes here with Grandpa Dick for Mother's Day weekend.

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