Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Geagen is all ready for church in her Easter dress

Geagen demonstrates that she can even crawl in a dress
Geagen is more interested in the grass than taking pictures for Mommy- do I sense a recurring theme here?

Geagen reaches for her Easter basket

Geagen examines her bounty from the Easter Bunny
Oh the joy of posed holiday pictures! I try and remind myself that one day she will see her baby albums and appreciate all of the memories that have been diligently documented on her behalf but right now she's just not that into is so I've learned to take what you get with these photo sessions sometimes. Geagen was a good sport for the outdoor pictures seeing as how she was exhausted from church. Geagen is still too young to truly appreciate Easter and all the joy that the Easter Bunny brings but I enjoyed myself and made sure that she looked her Easter best and was fully accessorized as far as babies go. I think next year that she will need a little Easter purse and hat though. Anyway, the Easter Bunny (you never know if she reads this or not but I don't want to be the one that shatters her dreams) filled her personalized basket and made sure that there were lots of fun things for her to find. She especially liked her bubbles and toothbrushes. We had fun playing with those this afternoon. We had Jon's mom and sister over for Easter dinner and had a nice time as a family. Jon made an excellent North Carolina style mustard glazed ham and we all enjoyed the good food. All in all it was a good day.

1 comment:

chickapotamus said...

Such an adorable girl!!! I love the Easter dress, and particularly the last few photos of Geagen outside in the yard. Hope things are well with you!!!