Friday, September 12, 2008

To Grandma's House We Go!

Geagen and her Great-Grandma Wood

As you can tell, it has been a somewhat eventful week around here. In fact, we’ve been so busy that I’m just getting around to posting for yesterday. We went to go see Jon’s Grandma Wood out in Adrian, Oregon (even further out into the middle of nowhere- approximately 13 miles south of Nyssa). Geagen and I went with Jon’s mom Jeanne to go and visit Grandma Wood. We were going to pick up some peaches that she had picked for us but apparently we had gotten there too late- she had given the peaches away to neighbor in fear that they would spoil before we could come and pick them up. We did have a nice visit in spite of the whole peach debacle. I brought the camera and figured it would be a good time for little Geagen to get to know her Great-Grandma Wood who still loves babies. I got some cute pictures of the two of them together. Geagen made sure she turned on the charm and the two of them visited- Geagen cooed and smiled and studied Great-Grandma’s face intently. I also made sure Grandma had some pictures of the baby to put on her fridge and that they were properly labeled with her name and birthday to avoid any confusion- I guess it comes with the territory when you’re 96!

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